A simple preparation of Potoler Dolma – Bengali Style Stuffed Pointed Gourds

In two of our previous posts, we shared a trivia on the ‘Dolma’ preparation prevalent in Bengali households and a trick to cook the shortcut of Potoler Dolma (the shortcut trick was shared by one of our mothers.) A few days ago, a simple preparation of Potoler Dolma was made in our house. I instantly decided to share the preparation guideline I followed while cooking … Continue reading A simple preparation of Potoler Dolma – Bengali Style Stuffed Pointed Gourds

Ajantrik Movie Review

অযান্ত্রিক – একটি সম্পর্কের গল্প

জ্যোতির্ময় দেব Guest Post এই ছবি অনেক film scholar অনেক ভাবে বিশ্লেষণ করেছেন। কখনও মর্ডানিজ়মের আঙ্গিকে, কখনও মার্ক্সিস্ট থিওরি দিয়ে বিশ্লেষিত হয়েছে ছবিটি। আমি সেই জটিলতায় না গিয়ে সম্পর্কের সহজ ভাব যেটা আমার চোখে ধরা দিয়েছে সেই দিকটা তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করলাম।। সম্পর্ক অনন্ত প্রকারের হতে পারে। তবে আমার ধারণা সম্পর্ক প্রধানত দু’ ধরণের হয়। এক – নামের সম্পর্ক এবং দুই – ভাবের সম্পর্ক। নামের … Continue reading অযান্ত্রিক – একটি সম্পর্কের গল্প

Tiger Reserve Madhya Pradesh India


– Edaan Ghosh Animals always excite me. I love all animals. That was the reason my parents decided to take me on a safari tour to Madhya Pradesh. One fine morning we reached Nagpur by train. From Nagpur, we took a cab to Pench National Park. The resort was just near the entrance gate of the Pench National Park. There were different types of trees … Continue reading MY FIRST JUNGLE SAFARI EXPERIENCE

Chicken keema recipe

Chicken Keema Recipe- Mughlai savoury dish prepared in Bengali style

In our previous post on Gajorer Halua, we had already shared about how Mughlai cuisine influenced the cooking styles in the ‘Kayastha’ (the employees who worked as scribes in the Mughal Darbar) households. The chicken keema recipe also comes from the Mughlai kitchen, which found wide acceptance among the Bengali scribe class or the Bengali Kayasthas. History says that the Mughlai Chicken Keema was first … Continue reading Chicken Keema Recipe- Mughlai savoury dish prepared in Bengali style

How to make a perfect Bengali style Fish Paturi?

-Rajarshi Datta Fish Paturi is a traditional and famous fish item in West Bengal and Bangladesh. It is actually a steamed fish dish where the fish is marinated with spices and then wrapped inside a banana leaf and then steamed to perfection. The delectable taste of the dish comes from the poppy seeds and mustard flavours added during marination and the banana leaf wrapping makes … Continue reading How to make a perfect Bengali style Fish Paturi?