A Traditional Green Jackfruit Curry from Maa’s Kitchen

-Bhaater Paatey Niramish Enchorer Dalna Bhaater Paatey is the traditional Bengali term for side courses served with steaming hot rice. Enchor or green jackfruits had been a staple in the Bengali homes since ages. It was often used as a substitute of meat due to the high cost of meats as well as rare availability in the early days. The Enchor is also termed as … Continue reading A Traditional Green Jackfruit Curry from Maa’s Kitchen

The World Of Boroline

“Shushkotar, rukkhotar oboshaan jodi chaan Baaro maash onge mekhe nin Surobhito antiseptic cream Boroline”…. (An excerpt from the famous Boroline jingle sung by Srabanti Majumdar of Boroline er Songsar fame) With the embark of the winter months every year, whiffs of a sweet, familiar fragrance can also be caught in the Bengali homes. There is no prize for guessing that the fragrance belongs to a … Continue reading The World Of Boroline

short story about a tea stall


-সরসিজ বসু মল্লিক -Guest Post পাঁচু পাড়ার চায়ের দোকানে কাজ করে । বয়স বেশি নয় । মেরে কেটে ওই বারো কি তেরো ।পাঁচুর মা নেই । বাপ মাতাল । এমনি তে পাঁচুর বাবা তিনকড়ি লোক মন্দ নয় । তবে পেটে দুপাত্তর পড়লেই ব্যাস । তখন তাকে দেখে (থুড়ি রোখে) কে ? পড়াশোনায় নেহাৎ মন্দ ছিলোনা পাঁচু । পাঁচুর মা গত হলেন । বই গেল খাটের … Continue reading ক্যাফেটেরিয়া

The Durga Puja away from Kolkata at the Datta Household

The charm of Durga Puja Kolkata is known to by far all and many. But, this article shares about the traditional Durga Puja that’s still performed in villages. It elaborates the aroma of sandhya arati, and mysticism surrounding dhunuchinaach. A reflection About two years ago, we self-invited ourselves to be a part of the Durga Puja celebrations of the Datta Household of Mathmalaypur, located in … Continue reading The Durga Puja away from Kolkata at the Datta Household

‘Shukto’ Recipe From MIL’s Kitchen (Serves 4)

Traditionally, the Bengalis start their lunches with a first course known as ‘Prothom Paatey’. Most often, it remains bitter preferably, as we believe that having a bitter first course will stimulate our taste buds. Our traditional Bengali dishes are not just tasty and healthy but are also scientifically backed – bitter food helps in proper blood circulation and also keeps our body cool.   So, to … Continue reading ‘Shukto’ Recipe From MIL’s Kitchen (Serves 4)