Pre-independence Bengali Swadeshi Companies, still in business

Though the ‘Make in India’ campaign happened to be initiated around eight years ago, its roots dig deep into the pre-independence era when a fire of passion for Swadeshi companies swept past entire India. Making and using Swadeshi products was thought to be the fitting reply to the British dominance where the Sun had never set. There can be long-drawn arguments on the exact impact … Continue reading Pre-independence Bengali Swadeshi Companies, still in business

Indian Independence And Role Of Bengal

Role played by Bengal in the Indian Independence Movement (Part 3) – Rise of Political Awakening in Bengal

– Annoy Sarkar Continued from Part 2 Listen to Karar Oi Louho Kopat by Dr. Ayan Samanta If your non- Bengali friends think that you are engrossed in politics and criticizes you for bringing a political perspective to anything under the sun, they are not entirely incorrect! After all, Bengal had shown the path to political awakening! Almost half a century before the birth of … Continue reading Role played by Bengal in the Indian Independence Movement (Part 3) – Rise of Political Awakening in Bengal

Bengal And Indian Independence

Role played by Bengal in the Indian Independence Movement (Part 1) – Rise of British Paramountcy in Bengal

-Annoy Sarkar During the reign of the later Mughals, when its confederacy started crumbling, Bengal was one of the first provinces under its reign that started moving towards autonomy. Gradually in 1717, when  Murshid Kuli Khan was appointed the Governor of Bengal by Emperor Fahrukhshiyar, he was practically ruling Bengal independently. However, Bengal’s loyalty was undeterred towards the Emperor. Time passed by and British East … Continue reading Role played by Bengal in the Indian Independence Movement (Part 1) – Rise of British Paramountcy in Bengal