A simple preparation of Potoler Dolma – Bengali Style Stuffed Pointed Gourds

In two of our previous posts, we shared a trivia on the ‘Dolma’ preparation prevalent in Bengali households and a trick to cook the shortcut of Potoler Dolma (the shortcut trick was shared by one of our mothers.) A few days ago, a simple preparation of Potoler Dolma was made in our house. I instantly decided to share the preparation guideline I followed while cooking … Continue reading A simple preparation of Potoler Dolma – Bengali Style Stuffed Pointed Gourds

Potol Baata

Potol Baata – A Bengali avatar of pointed gourd paste

As starters or Prothom Paate, Bengali cuisine offers a variety of pastes or Baatas. Potol Baata, among them, is basically an easier version of Potol Pur or Potoler Dorma. The original preparation of the latter dish involves piercing a small hole on top of the pointed gourds after peeling off the skins and scooping out the seeds and the pulp from the inside. The pulp … Continue reading Potol Baata – A Bengali avatar of pointed gourd paste