Plants Around Us and We Humans

Pandemic thoughts (Part 2): Life with the plants around us

-Angana “The plants around us not only give oxygen to our lungs but also to our souls” Anonymous Continued from Part 1 Our neighbourhood  Let us look at our green neighbour – the plants around us. These species of organisms scattered on the earth’s surface spend their entire lives confined in one single place. They are, by nature, immobile. They cannot change their geographical location … Continue reading Pandemic thoughts (Part 2): Life with the plants around us

Pandemic thoughts (Part 1): Life beyond physical mobility

– Angana Now more than one year has passed – almost from the beginning of 2020- the life of the most dominant species of this planet has been under the grip of the covid-19 pandemic. This epidemic has badly hit not only our bodies but also our mind. The human mind is not keeping well; many people are suffering from severe mental health conditions. The … Continue reading Pandemic thoughts (Part 1): Life beyond physical mobility

The Year 2020- KolkataFusion

Wrapping up the year 2020

The year 2020 hasn’t been the best year for most of us. But, KolkataFusion was the silver lining in our lives. When everything has started falling apart, it gave us the hope to survive – your support gave us the strength to be where we are today! We launched our website, have started investing time, and brain in SEO, exploring new ways to make our … Continue reading Wrapping up the year 2020