Durga Puja Kolkata

Unveiling Durga Puja in Kolkata

-Pooja Sahal Image Courtesy: Sumit Naskar With the commencement of Mahalaya, West Bengal starts bathing in the joy of Durga Puja which starts with Mahasaptami – exactly after seven days. (In 2020, the gap between Mahalaya and commencement of Durga Puja is longer than usual.) There can be immense joy and elation seen in all the individuals irrespective of their age. This is the most … Continue reading Unveiling Durga Puja in Kolkata

The Durga Puja away from Kolkata at the Datta Household

The charm of Durga Puja Kolkata is known to by far all and many. But, this article shares about the traditional Durga Puja that’s still performed in villages. It elaborates the aroma of sandhya arati, and mysticism surrounding dhunuchinaach. A reflection About two years ago, we self-invited ourselves to be a part of the Durga Puja celebrations of the Datta Household of Mathmalaypur, located in … Continue reading The Durga Puja away from Kolkata at the Datta Household