Cricket World Cup 2023 - KolkataFusion Sticky post

Embracing the Cricket Fever

Cricket World Cup 2023 countdown has begun – just 15 more days and the entire country will unite again for their favourite sport. Igniting a new level of excitement for the game. The entire country is involved in discussions and speculations about the playing eleven. As I immerse myself in the anticipations and enthusiasm shared in social media, it brings back the memories, from having … Continue reading Embracing the Cricket Fever

Quick Tiffin Box Recipes

Quick Tiffin Box Recipes

From Sunday to Thursday, every night, most of the moms go to bed with the same thought – Which food to pack in the tiffin box tomorrow? The sole conditions are the food should be healthy, tasty, easy to consume, compact and can be prepared at the speed of lightning! Unfortunately, the two years of lockdown have put us out of the habit of preparing … Continue reading Quick Tiffin Box Recipes

Pandemic thoughts (Part 1): Life beyond physical mobility

– Angana Now more than one year has passed – almost from the beginning of 2020- the life of the most dominant species of this planet has been under the grip of the covid-19 pandemic. This epidemic has badly hit not only our bodies but also our mind. The human mind is not keeping well; many people are suffering from severe mental health conditions. The … Continue reading Pandemic thoughts (Part 1): Life beyond physical mobility

Seven Friends To The Rescue

-Sourish Majumdar (Guest Post) All illustrations in the story are done by the author himself. Once upon a time, there was a town named Contigo. That place had a huge museum and a monstrous bank. One night, a gang came to the town. They looted those two places. After they had finished, a bell rang— TRI……IINGGGGG!!!! The police were all around. The gang- leader told … Continue reading Seven Friends To The Rescue

Rangoli Design (Alpona)

History and Significance of Rangoli

– Ria S. Mazumdar(Guest Post) A few months ago, an event was organized in the school where I work, wherein the students had to submit a rangoli design made on a piece of paper. Here in Bangalore, the pan-India background of the students is quite obvious. I was intrigued to see the regional touches in the Rangoli designs submitted. Rangoli in West Bengal In this … Continue reading History and Significance of Rangoli

A room With A Door And A Window

চার আনার কামরা

-সরসিজ বসু মল্লিক (অতিথি লেখক) একটা ছোট কামরা । না রেলগাড়ির কামরা নয় ।এটা বড়ো মাপের একটা ঘরের অংশ ।ঘরটার মাঝে একটা দেয়াল দিয়ে বারো আনা আর চার আনা দুটি অংশে ভাগ করা । আমরা চার আনার অংশটা কে কামরা বলছি । ঘরটাকে এইভাবে ভাগ করার কারণ, বারো আনার ঘরটাকে ভাড়া দেওয়া । ভাড়া খুবই কম ।তবে ভাড়ার অর্থ মালিকের একটি আয়ের উৎস। ঘরের মালিক … Continue reading চার আনার কামরা

Internet Of Things And Arduino

Internet of Things Application on Arduino Projects

-Sayantan Basu Mallick -Guest Post With technological advancement and artificial intelligence, we are now in a threshold of the concept of IoT or the Internet of Things. Our guest blogger, as well as our website developer, Sayantan Basu Mallick, explains his project using Arduino technology. To contact him or to know more about his work, leave your message in the comment box. What is IoT? … Continue reading Internet of Things Application on Arduino Projects

Tiger Reserve Madhya Pradesh India


– Edaan Ghosh Animals always excite me. I love all animals. That was the reason my parents decided to take me on a safari tour to Madhya Pradesh. One fine morning we reached Nagpur by train. From Nagpur, we took a cab to Pench National Park. The resort was just near the entrance gate of the Pench National Park. There were different types of trees … Continue reading MY FIRST JUNGLE SAFARI EXPERIENCE

Durga Puja Belun, West Bengal village

স্মৃতির দুর্গাপুজো – ২০১৭

শ্রী অজয় চট্টোপাধ্যায় Guest Post বহু বছর পর এবার পুজোতে বাড়ি মানে বেলুনগ্রামে যেতে পারিনি।ভীষণ খারাপ লাগছিল।যদিও ভাই এর অকাল প্রয়াণে পুজোয় গ্রামের বাড়ি যাওয়ার আগের সে আনন্দ, সে আবেগ সে আকুলতা আজ আর আসে না।বড় ফাঁকা লাগে । গ্রামে যেতে না পারাতে  আমার বৌয়ের কয়েকশো কান্নাকাটি হয়ে গেল।প্যাণ্ডেল ঘুরে পুজো দেখার অভ্যেস আমার নেই।তারপর মৌসুমীর শিরদাঁড়ায় চোট।সব মিলিয়ে পূজো প্রায় ঘরে বসে কাটলো। “সপ্তমি অষ্টমী … Continue reading স্মৃতির দুর্গাপুজো – ২০১৭